Title I
Pam Rhodes, Director of Federal Programs
Email: pamela.rhodes@sumterschools.net
Extension: 803.469.6900, extension 503
Title I Information and Resources
- What is Title I? - Title I Overview
- ¿Qué es el Título I? - Descripción general del Título I en español (Title I Overview in Spanish)
- District Federal Programs Contact Information
- Family Engagement Policy
- Política de participación de Familias en Español (Family Engagement Policy in Spanish)
- Parents Right to Know
- El Derecho de los Padres a Saber (Parent's Right to Know) - Spanish Version
- Sumter School District Strategic Plan
- Privacy and Discrimination Policies - FERPA
- Procedures for Responding to Family Suggestions
- School and Home Compact
- Compacto entre la escuela y el hogar (School and Home Compact in Spanish)
- State Report Cards
- Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Estudiantes que experimentan la falta de vivienda (Students Experiencing Homelessness in Spanish)
- Tips for Parents
What is Title I? - Title I Overview
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Act provides financial assistance to school districts for programs designed to help eligible students achieve success and reach proficiency on our challenging state standards and assessment.
Title I programs are offered in all elementary and qualifying middle schools. Title I funding supports parent involvement, parent education, mathematics, reading, and school-wide projects. Additionally, Title I programs generally offer smaller classes, additional teachers and assistants, extra time for instruction, a variety of research-based teaching methods and materials, and the opportunity for Title I teachers and other staff to work closely together.
The district and each Title I school has its own Parent Involvement Policy and Compact, which is an agreement between the school and the home to promote student achievement. At the beginning of each school year, the documents are reviewed to determine how to improve them. They can be viewed at the school’s website, at the fall Title I meeting, or a parent can request a copy. Parents are encouraged to make comments or suggestions and give them to their principal.
Parent involvement is the encouragement of parents to become actively involved with their child’s education and opening lines of communication between parents and the school. Parents take the primary responsibility for promoting high academic achievement in their children while working in conjunction with the schools.
Parent education is offered by the school in the areas of computer classes, positive discipline classes, and ways for parents to help with homework and academic areas in workshops.
The mathematics program focuses on students as active learners. While studying concepts from five areas of mathematics (numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis), students will be involved in solving problems and communicating their strategies orally and in writing. Emphasis is placed on connecting mathematics to the real world, different representation of data, and logical reasoning.
The reading program is based on the five essential elements: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. The reading program combines systematic instruction in specific word and sound skills with frequent, challenging opportunities to practice reading as our students work to become fluent, motivated readers.
School-wide projects– All elementary and qualified middle schools in Sumter School District are Title I schools. In these schools, instructional plans have been developed to benefit all students. The plans may be reviewed by contacting of the school’s office.
¿Qué es el Título I? - Descripción general del Título I en español (Title I Overview in Spanish)
Título I de la Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria proporciona asistencia financiera a los distritos escolares para programas diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes elegibles a alcanzar el éxito y lograr competencia en nuestros desafiantes estándares y evaluaciones estatales.
Los programas de Título I se ofrecen en todas las escuelas primarias y en las escuelas intermedias que califican. La financiación de Título I apoya la participación de los padres, la educación de los padres, las matemáticas, la lectura y proyectos a nivel escolar. Además, los programas de Título I generalmente ofrecen clases más pequeñas, maestros y asistentes adicionales, tiempo extra para la instrucción, una variedad de métodos y materiales de enseñanza basados en investigaciones, y la oportunidad para que los maestros de Título I y otros personal trabajen juntos de cerca.
El distrito y cada escuela de Título I tiene su propia Política de Participación de Padres y Compacto, que es un acuerdo entre la escuela y el hogar para promover el logro estudiantil. Al comienzo de cada año escolar, se revisan los documentos para determinar cómo mejorarlos. Se pueden consultar en el sitio web de la escuela, en la reunión de Título I de otoño, o un padre puede solicitar una copia. Se anima a los padres a hacer comentarios o sugerencias y entregarlos a su director.
La participación de los padres es el aliento a los padres para que se involucren activamente en la educación de sus hijos y abran líneas de comunicación entre los padres y la escuela. Los padres asumen la responsabilidad principal de promover un alto rendimiento académico en sus hijos mientras trabajan en conjunto con las escuelas.
La educación de los padres es ofrecida por la escuela en las áreas de clases de computación, clases de disciplina positiva y formas para que los padres ayuden con la tarea y áreas académicas en talleres.
El programa de matemáticas se centra en los estudiantes como aprendices activos. Al estudiar conceptos de cinco áreas de matemáticas (números y operaciones, álgebra, geometría, medición y análisis de datos), los estudiantes participarán en la resolución de problemas y en comunicar sus estrategias de forma oral y escrita. Se pone énfasis en conectar las matemáticas con el mundo real, diferentes representaciones de datos y razonamiento lógico.
El programa de lectura se basa en los cinco elementos esenciales: conciencia fonémica, fonética, fluidez, vocabulario y comprensión de textos. El programa de lectura combina instrucción sistemática en habilidades específicas de palabras y sonidos con oportunidades frecuentes y desafiantes para practicar la lectura mientras nuestros estudiantes trabajan para convertirse en lectores fluidos y motivados.
Proyectos a nivel escolar: Todas las escuelas primarias y intermedias calificadas en el Distrito Escolar de Sumter son escuelas de Título I. En estas escuelas, se han desarrollado planes de instrucción para beneficiar a todos los estudiantes. Los planes pueden ser revisados al contactar la oficina de la escuela.
District Federal Programs Contact Information
Pam Rhodes, Director of Federal Programs
Email: pamela.rhodes@sumterschools.net
Extension: 503
Christopher Jones, Title I Budget Analyst
Email: christopher.jones@sumterschools.net
Extension: 505
Judy Boyce, Title I Data Specialist
Email: Judy.Boyce@sumterschools.net
Extension: 409
Tamara Collier, McKinney-Vento Liaison, CTE Data Analyst, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator
Email: Tamara.collier@sumterschools.net
Extension: 524
Charisma Aguilar, Title 1 Admin. Assistant
Email: Charisma.Aguilar@sumterschools.net
Extension: 531
Lydell Hickmon, Title 1 Systems Technician
Email: Lydell.hickmon@sumterschools.net
Extension: 115
Family Engagement Policy
Política de participación de Familias en Español (Family Engagement Policy in Spanish)
Por favor, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para leer la Política de Participación Familiar de la escuela.
Política de participación de Familias en Español
Parents Right to Know
Under ESSA, parents/guardians have the right to obtain information regarding the qualifications of their child's teachers. Specifically, parents/guardians have the right to know:
what type of certificate the teacher holds;
what subjects the teacher is certified to teach;
whether a teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
whether a teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
and the baccalaureate degree major of a teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
Most of this information is accessible through the State Department of Education's (SCDE) Division of Quality Website, www.scteachers.org/titleii/parents.cfm. You may search for this information by entering the teacher's name directly or by accessing a listing of all teachers by district or school name. Only teachers currently employed in South Carolina's school districts are included in this listing. Information obtained through the Teacher Qualification Search Website is intended for informational use only and is not an official record.
Parents may also request the qualifications of an instructional paraprofessional who serves your child in a Title I program or if their child’s school operates a schoolwide Title I program. Parents/Guardians may request this information from the Sumter School District Title I Office at 803-469-6900.
Parent Notification of Teachers Who Do Not Meet State Licensing Requirements
In addition to the information that parents may request, a school that receives Title I funds must provide each individual parent a timely notice that the parent's child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.
If a child attends a Title I school and is taught four consecutive weeks by a teacher not meeting the criteria of Highly Qualified, the school will send a letter home explaining the teacher’s qualifications. The notice and information provided to parents must be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand. This applies to all teachers teaching core academic subjects in a Title I school, regardless if the school has a school-wide or targeted assistance program.
If parents do not have access to the Internet or wish to receive additional information, please send a letter of request addressed to the child's school principal giving the name of the teacher and the grade or subject the person teaches, as well as the specific information you are requesting. The information will be provided to you within a reasonable period of time, normally within three weeks of receiving your request.
El Derecho de los Padres a Saber (Parent's Right to Know) - Spanish Version
El Derecho de los Padres a Saber
Los padres/tutores en el Distrito Escolar de Sumter tienen el derecho de conocer las siguientes calificaciones del maestro de su hijo: los requisitos de licencia estatal para el nivel de grado y las áreas de contenido que se enseñan, el estado actual de la licencia del maestro de su hijo y la certificación/título de bachillerato/posgrado. También puede solicitar las calificaciones de un paraprofesional educativo que atiende a su hijo en un programa de Título I o si la escuela de su hijo opera un programa de Título I a nivel escolar. Los padres/tutores pueden solicitar esta información a la Oficina de Título I del Distrito Escolar de Sumter al 803-469-6900.
Sumter School District Strategic Plan
Privacy and Discrimination Policies - FERPA
FERPA letter to Families
Policies for Parent Rights
Sumter School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in admission to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities. For inquiries regarding the policy, contact the Chief Operations Officer at Sumter School District, 1345 Wilson Hall Road, Sumter, SC 29150 or call 803-469-6900.
Procedures for Responding to Family Suggestions
Concerns, complaints or suggestions may be submitted by contacting the school’s principal or by placing comments/suggestions in the school’s Suggestion Box.
To appeal a school-level decision, please submit your concern, complaint or suggestion in writing to:
Mrs. Pamela Rhodes, Director of Federal Programs
Sumter School District
1345 Wilson Hall Road
Sumter, SC 29150
All concerns, complaints or suggestions received will be addressed in a reasonable manner, not to exceed three weeks.
To appeal a district-level decision, submit your concern, complaint or suggestion in writing within 30 days to:
Dr. Sarah Longshore, Director of Federal & State Accountability
SC Department of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
School and Home Compact
Compacto entre la escuela y el hogar (School and Home Compact in Spanish)
State Report Cards
Students Experiencing Homelessness
Estudiantes que experimentan la falta de vivienda (Students Experiencing Homelessness in Spanish)
Tips for Parents
You are your child’s best and most important teacher. Your connection to your child’s school can make a major difference in the success of your child’s education. Here are some tips to help your child be a success here at school.
Meet your child’s teacher. Go to Back to School events and Open House to meet your child’s teacher and learn about the day to day life inside the classroom.
Your child spends over 6 hours a day here. See how your child spends the day learning.
Keep on top of your child’s grades and attend all parent conferences. Look at graded papers that come home and grades that are put on parent portal. Discuss these grades with your child. Meet with your child’s teacher throughout the year to discuss your child’s progress.
Make sure your child completes assignments and studies for tests. It is important that students reinforce the skills they learned at school. Please help them be prepared for the following day by completing homework and studying for tests. Your support reinforces the importance of education to your child.
Make sure your child is at school and on time to school each day. Let your child see that education is something to be valued. Make sure your child comes to school on time daily. By being on time, you are teaching your child the importance of education and how to be successful in the world.
Keep updated on events at school. View the school website and social media regularly and look for flyers on events happening at school. Join us for parent sessions, student events, know what special events are happening at school.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! If you have a question or concern please contact your child’s teacher before any misunderstandings occur. We all want what is best for your child. By working together, we can help your child be successful. If your child is struggling in a subject, meet with the teacher to find out what can be done to help your child improve.
Be positive about education to your child. Your attitude about your child’s education will help determine their success and motivation in school. When parents and teachers show that education is important, students develop a positive self – image towards their education. They are more willing to complete assignments, they are motivated to learn, and are more confident learners. This confidence will help them to become life-long learners.
Encourage your child to be responsible for their learning. Help your child develop the skills to work independently and be responsible for his /her learning. When students are responsible for their own learning, they will strive to do their very best and enjoy their learning.
Use outside resources to continue your child’s learning. Take advantage of what is around in the community. We are very fortunate to have resources such as our public library, the Sumter County Museum, and Swan Lake to help our students discover new and exciting things about their community and the world that they live in and they are excited about.
TALK WITH YOUR CHILD! Ask your child about their day. Ask them what they learned and what they enjoy learning about. Studies show that kids do better in school when they have parents that are genuinely interested in their education. Enjoy what your child is doing. You might be surprised to learn something new from your child!
Here is a link to these and other tips to help your child succeed in school! Tips for Success