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Sumter School District

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Board of Trustees

Sumter School District is governed by nine elected members of the Board of Trustees.  The Board members are an important aspect of the district leadership.  The Board sets policy, approves the budget, works with the Sumter County Legislative Delegation and Sumter County Council on issues of importance to the schools, and oversees the efficient operation of the District.

The Board is committed to the education of students to the best of their individual abilities; to a constant awareness of the concerns and desires of the community regarding the quality and performance of the school system, with the Board assuming an educational leadership role; to the employment of a superintendent who will see that the district maintains a position as an outstanding school system and under whose leadership the school personnel will carry out the policies of the Board; and to the continued improvement of the district schools for the benefit of its students and their improved academic achievement.

Additionally, the Board’s goals are as follows:

  • to communicate the educational expectations and aspirations of the community through the formulation of policies which stimulate the learner and the learning process
  • to manage the school system in accordance with board policy
  • to provide leadership in order that the goals and objectives of the school system can be effectively carried out
  • to maintain two-way communication with various publics served by the schools in order to interpret public attitudes, to identify policies and procedures of the schools, and to encourage public involvement with and understanding of the schools
  • to evaluate the data appropriate for the management functions of planning, evaluating, organizing and implementing the goals and objectives of the district
  • to demonstrate fiscal responsibility and align district resources with raising student achievement

The Board of Trustees meet publicly on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 PM unless otherwise announced. Special meetings are scheduled as needed.

Our Board is a member of the South Carolina School Boards Association, and 100% of our members have completed the state’s orientation program.